new edition •
Sampling: Design and Analysis, Third Edition
Order from CRC Press (use code SHL20 for 20% discount), bookshop.org, or Amazon
“I love Lohr’s text on this subject. This book should be adopted as many of the new additions I have reviewed here, including Chapter 15 on nonprobability samples, really elevate it and allow it to retain its relevance amid many changes and advances in our field.”
Also See
Measuring Crime: Behind the Statistics
Buy the Book: CRC Press (use code LLJM20 for 20% discount), Amazon
“This book is an excellent primer on handling the mass of data and information researchers are faced with. While it is geared toward followers of criminal justice information, much of the book is a very good introduction to survey techniques discussing their strong and weak points. Most importantly, there are very good guidelines and questions that one should employ before citing any data or using data for policy decisions or for reporting on data such as journalists do. The book is written in a non-technical manner and does a very good job of explaining the nuances in reviewing data. Any researcher who utilizes data would find this valuable. While it has specific examples in the criminal justice field, it really is quite useful for any user of data.”