Sampling: Design and Analysis, Third Edition, Available for Pre-Order (Save 30%)

Hello, readers! The third edition of Sampling: Design and Analysis (SDA) has gone to press and will be in print in November 2021!

Through October 31, 2021, you can save 30% on SDA, on the print versions of the supplementary books SAS® Software Companion for Sampling: Design and Analysis and R Companion for Sampling: Design and Analysis, and on my 2019 book Measuring Crime: Behind the Statistics. To get the discount, purchase the books via and enter code PBA30 or PBC30 at the checkout.

About the Books

The third edition of Sampling: Design and Analysis (order directly from has been extensively revised to incorporate recent research and applications of sampling, and includes a new chapter on nonprobability sampling. The third edition has more than 50 new examples (including examples showing how sample surveys have been used to estimate the number of people who have been infected with the virus causing COVID-19, how New York City uses stratified sampling to estimate the number of persons experiencing homelessness, and how a survey that has been held up as a byword of poor survey practice might not have been so bad after all) and 150 new exercises (many suitable for class activities).

The third edition of SDA can be used with either R or SAS® software. Choose which software package you want to use (R alone, SAS® software alone, or, if you like, both packages), then obtain the book that shows how to use that software package to work through the examples in SDA. You will be able to download the supplementary books free of charge here in November, or you can purchase the paperback versions from (use code PBA30 before October 31 to obtain the 30% discount).

SAS® Software Companion for Sampling: Design and Analysis by Sharon L. Lohr. Provides SAS code and output showing how to work through the examples in SDA.

R Companion for Sampling: Design and Analysis by Yan Lu and Sharon L. Lohr. Provides R code and output showing how to work through the examples in SDA.

Also available: Measuring Crime: Behind the Statistics by Sharon L. Lohr. Measuring Crime (click here to learn more about the book) teaches you how to think statistically, illustrating the concepts with statistics about the prevalence of crime. Save 30% by ordering from

Copyright (c) 2021 Sharon L. Lohr

Sharon Lohr